Office of the Managing Director: 033-2252-9963/1052
E-tender is invited for engagement of 32 nos. of security and sweeping personnel.
E-tender is invited for engagement of 32 nos. of security and sweeping personnel from bonafide agency/firm at Block-B, Roudra Bristi, H.Q. and EORP Plant (Lake Gardens, Kol - 700083) of WBECSC Ltd. Please visit www.wbtenders.gov.in and www.wbecscegovernance.com for details.
Date of closure : 04.02.2025 at 03.00 p.m.
For details, please see the following website: wbecscegovernance.com
E-tender is invited from eligible bidders to supply Flour (Maida) & Bengal Gram under PDS as Ramzan Package 2025.
Prospective bidders may download the e-tender documents along with detailed terms and
conditions on and from 19.12.2024 at 03.00 p.m. from the website www.wbecscegovemance.com
and www.wbtenders. gov.in
Date of closure : 09.01.2025 at 03.00 p.m.
For details, please see the following website: wbecscegovernance.com
E-Tender for renting of godowns owned by WBECSC Ltd. at Lake Garden Godown Complex.
Bids are invited for renting of godowns owned by WBECSC Ltd. at Lake Garden Godown Complex, 76, Deodhar Rahaman Road, Kolkata - 700033 for the purpose of storage of goods. Last date of submission of E-Tender form is 11/12/2024 up to 12:00 P.M. For details, please visit https://www.wbecscegovernance.com or https://wbtenders.gov.in
For details, please see the following website: wbecscegovernance.com
Notice of Expression of Interest for letting out vacant shop room
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST for letting out vacant shop room for an initial period of 3 years at least 200 sq. ft. in ground floor having good approach road is invited by the WBECSC Ltd. for its usage.
For details, please see the following website: wbecscegovernance.com
Re-E-Tender for providing Pest Control work to WBECSC Ltd.
Sealed quotation is invited from the concerned establishment for Pest Control work at this office. Last date of submission of the sealed quotation form is 25.09.24 up to 3:00 pm. For details, please visit https://www.wbecscegovernance.com
Date of Closure: 25.09.2024 at 3:00 P.M.
Re-E-Tender for providing 67 skilled Computer Data Entry Operators (DEOs) to WBECSC Ltd.
Re-E-Tender are invited from reputed, bona-fide and experienced Firms for providing 67 skilled Computer Data Entry Operators (DEOs) to WBECSC Ltd., 11A, Mirza Ghalib Street Kolkata- 700087. Interested bidders may download and apply online in the website www.wbtenders.gov.in on & from 12.09.2024 at 03:00 p.m.
Re-E-Tender Submission closing Date & Time: 04:10:2024 at 03:00 p.m.
Tender Documents are also available at www.wbecscegovernance.com
Date of Closure: 04.10.2024 at 3:00 P.M.
E-tender notice for supply of stationery articles at H.Q. WBECSC Ltd.
E-tender is invited for supply of stationery articles from bonafide Suppliers(s) / Co-Operative Society(s) at H.Q. WBECSC Ltd. For details, please visit www.wbtenders.gov.in & www.wbecscegovernance.com
Date of Closure: 30.09.2024 at 3:00 P.M.
Notice for renting of godowns owned by WBECSC Ltd.
Bids are invited for renting of godowns owned by WBECSC Ltd. at Lake Garden Godown Complex. 76, Deodhar Rahaman Road,Kolkata -700033 for the purpose of storage of goods. Last date of submission of E-tender form is 27/09/2024 upto 12:00 P.M. For details, please visit https://www.wbecscegovernance.com or https://wbtenders.gov.in
Date of Closure: 27.09.2024 at 12:00 P.M.
Notice for supply and installation of 01 no. of HP Colour Laser Jet Pro MFP M183fw at antechamber of the Managing Director, WBECSC Ltd. at 1st floor, Block-B of Khadya Bhawan.
Sealed quotations are invited from the the concerned establishment for the supply and installation of 01 no. of HP Colour Jet Pro MFP M183fw at antechamber of the Managing Director, WBECSC Ltd. at 1st floor, Block-B of Khadya Bhawan. Last date of submission of sealed quotations form is 29-08-2024 upto 3:00 pm. for details, please visit https://www.wbecscegovernance.com.
Date of Closure: 29.08.2024 at 03:00 P.M.
Notice for Re-Auction of once used gunny bags.
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed and bona fide Firms / Organizations for engagement of a purchaser for one year through re-auction once used gunny bags (50 kg capacity each) used to store food grains in the Fair Price Shop godown of West Bengal essential Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd. at 11-A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087. Last date of submission of sealed quotation form is 12.08.2024 upto 05:00 P.M.
Date of Closure: 12.08.2024 at 05:00 P.M.
E-tender Notice & Document for the civil, pest control, cleaning works at EORPP campus.
E- Quotations are invited from the reliable, resourceful, experience, bonafide contractors for the civil, pest Control, cleaning works at EORPP campus and details of works are mentioned in the E-NIQ. Last date of submission of e-quotation through online is 09th August, up to 2:00 pm. For details, please visit https://www.wbecscegovernance.com or https://www.wbtenders.gov.in
Date of Closure: 09.08.2024 at 02:00 Noon.
E-tender Notice & Document for Pest Control.
Sealed quotation is invited from the concerned establishment for Pest Control work at this office. Last date of submission of sealed quotation form is 09th August, up to 3:00 pm. For details, please visit at htps://www.wbecscegovernance.com.
Date of Closure: 09.08.2024 at 03:00 Noon.
E-tender Notice & Document for Pest Control.
Sealed quotation is invited from the concerned establishment for Pest Control work at this office. Last date of submission of sealed quotation form is 09th August, up to 3:00 pm. For details, please visit at htps://www.wbecscegovernance.com.
Date of Closure: 09.08.2024 at 03:00 Noon.
E-tender Notice & Document for the work of preparation of Tableau in connection with the celebration of Independence Day, 2024.
The Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal will participate in the celebration of Independence Day, 2024 with a Tableau. Accordingly, the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd invites proposals from GST Registered reputed and experienced firms, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Agency,’ for conceptualizing, fabricating, and setting up the said tableau.
Date of Closure: 31.07.2024 at 03:00 Noon.
E-Tender is invited for selection of firms for providing skilled computer Data Entry Operator to WBECSC Ltd.
E-Tender are invited from reputed bonfide and experienced firms for providing skilled computer Data Entry Operator to WBECSC Ltd. Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 15.01.2024 at 12:00 Noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 06.04.2024 at 12:00 Noon.
E-Tender is invited from eligible bidders to supply Bengal Gram under PDS as Ramzan Package, 2024.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd., for supply of Bengal Gram under PDS. Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18.01.2024 at 02:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 08.02.2024 at 02:00 P.M.
E-Tender is invited from eligible bidders to supply Flour (Maida) under PDS as Ramzan Package, 2024.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd., for supply of Flour (Maida) under PDS. Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18.01.2024 at 02:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 08.02.2024 at 02:00 P.M.
E-Tender is invited for selection of Transportation Agency for Jute Bales transportation.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd., a Government of West Bengal Undertaking, the nodal agency for transportation of Jute Bags from the concerned Jute Mills via the office of the Jute Commissioner, on behalf of Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal and supplying the same to the designated godown points across West Bengal, through the Jute Bags Procurement Division of the Corporation. Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18.01.2024 at 12:00 Noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 08.02.2024 at 12:00 Noon.
E-Tender is invited for using and occupying godown under possession of WBECSC Ltd. at Lake Gardens Complex for storing Food or Non Food Items/Packaged Food materials/Agricultural produce.
Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 04.12.2023 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 25.12.2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender is invited for renting of godowns owned by WBECSC Ltd.
Prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 08.01.2024 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 29.01.2024 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender is invited for engagement of 27 nos. of security and sweeping personnel from bonafide agency/firm at Block-B, Roudra Bristi, and EORP Plant (Lake Gardens, Kol-700 083) of WBECSC Ltd.
Engagement of bonfide agency/firm for 18 nos. of Man power for security guard & Sweeping Service in H. Q. Block-B & 03 nos. of man power for security guard & sweeping service for Roudra Bristi (Fair Price Shop) at WBECSC Ltd. 11/A Mirza Ghalib Street Kolkata-700 087 and 06 nos. of security guard (three shift) for Edible Oil Refinery & Packaging Plant (EORPP) at 76, Dr Deodhar Rahaman Road, Lake Gardens, Kolkata- 700 083, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 10.09.2023 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 01.11.2023 at 03:00 P.M.
Corrigendum Notice for reschedule few dates on account of holiday on 25th September by the Government of West Bengal.
In partial modification of the earlier E-Tender Document regarding Annual Maintenance and Service works of Computer and peripherals E-Tender No; ECSC/IT/2017-18/42(Pt.-II)/842 Dt.31.08.2023.
Notice for cancellation of appointment of Transportation cum handling contractor for door step delivery of food grains to Fair Price Shops under Kolkata-North & Kolkata-South
E-Tender No: ECSC/PDS/2023/1643 for appointment of Transportation cum handling Contractors for door step delivery of Food grains to Fair Price Shop under Kolkata (North & South) is cancelled on administrative ground.
E-Tender notice for engagement of service provider providing annual maintenance and service works of Computer and peripherals.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for engagement of service provider providing annual maintenance and service works of Computer and peripherals, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 31.08.2023 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 21.09.2023 at 12:00 noon
E-Tender notice for appointment of Transportation cum handling contractor for door step delivery of food grains to Fair Price Shops under Kolkata-North & Kolkata-South
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for appointment of transportation cum handing contractor for door stop delivery of food grains to Fair Price Shop under Kolkata- North & Kolkata-South, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 29.08.2023 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 19.09.2023 at 12:00 noon
E-Tender notice for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive package in PDS in Puja 2023.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Flour for festive package in PDS in Puja 2023, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 15.08.2023 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 05.09.2023 at 12:00 noon
Re-E-Tender notice for repairing and renovation (Civil & Electrical) work at Cossipore Godown.
Re E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for repairing and renovation in Cossipore Godown (Civil & Electrical), prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18.08.2023 at 11:00 A.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 07.09.2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender notice for the supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS in Puja 2023.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS Puja 2023, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 15.08.2023 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 05.09.2023 at 12:00 noon.
Corrigendum in E-Tender document for work of preparation of Tableau in connection with celebration of Independence Day, 2023 with a Tableau based on theme Duare Ration.
1) Financial bid of technically qualified bidders will be opened on 07.8.2023 instead of 08.08.2023.
2) The approved of Tableau of "Duare Ration" may be seen from GA Division, WBECSC Ltd. if asked any intended Bidder.
E-Tender Notice for work of preparation of Tableau in connection with celebration of Independence Day, 2023 with a Tableau based on theme Duare Ration.
E-Tender (Notification No: WBECSC/GA/780 Dated 26/07/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) selection of agency who experienced in conceptualizing, fabricating the above said Tableau. Bid submission start date 27/07/2023 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 05/08/2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for repairing work (Civil & electrical) at godown No.46 Cossipore Godown Complex.
E-Tender (Notification No: WBECSC-99/11/2023/2322 Dated 09/06/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for selection of bonafied agency for repairing Work (Civil & Electrical) at godown no. 46, Cossipore Godown complex from 13/06/2023 at 11:00 A.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 04/07/2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Mustard Oil within predesigned sealed 1 liter poly-pouch packets (includes printing and packaging)
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/335 Dated 16/03/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Mustard Oil within predesigned sealed 1 liter poly-pouch packets (including printing and packaging) and from 21/03/2023 at 12:00 noon. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 05/04/2023 at 12:00 noon.
E-tender notice for repair and renovation of flat in Durgapur.
E-Tender (Notification No: WBECSC-26/3/2022-SEC(WBECSCL)-WBECSCL(Computer No: 501447)/653 Dated 10/03/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for repair and renovation of flat in Durgapur, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 15/03/2023 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 05/04/2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for Construction of boundary wall at Durgapur.
E-Tender (Notification No: WBECSC/12/2022-SEC(WBECSCL)-WBECSCL(Computer No: 557372)/651 Dated 10/03/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for Construction of boundary wall at Durgapur, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 15/03/2023 at 05:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 03/04/2023 at 05:00 P.M.
Re E-Tender Notice for supply of stationery articles/items at WBECSC Ltd.
E-Tender (Notification No: WBECSC/7/2022-SEC(WBECSCL)/WBECSCL(Computer No:578777)/638 Dated 23/02/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of stationery articles/items for office use mentioned-I, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 25/02/2023 at 03:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 17/03/2023 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Mustard Oil within predesigned sealed 1 liter poly-pouch packets (includes printing and packaging with Nitrogen Flash Method.
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/316 Dated 03/02/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Mustard Oil within predesigned sealed 1 liter poly-pouch packets (including printing and packaging with Nitrogen Flash Method) , prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 06/02/2023 at 12:00 noon. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 20/02/2023 at 12:00 noon.
E-Tender Corrigendum for supply of Tulaipanji Rice (Paraboiled)
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/297 Dated 18/01/2023) Corrigendum for the date and schedule of the Pre-bid meeting under Appendix-06 of the said e-tender as "30.01.2023 at 12:00 noon" instead of 30.01.2023 at 5:50 P.M.
E-Tender Corrigendum for printing and packaging of 20 MT Tulaipanji Rice within 1 KG packet with Nitrogen filling method.
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/298 Dated 18/01/2023) Corrigendum for the date and schedule of the Pre-bid meeting under Appendix-06 of the said e-tender as "30.01.2023 at 12:00 noon" instead of 30.01.2023 at 5:50 P.M.
E-Tender Notification for printing and packaging of 20 MT Tulaipanji Rice within 1 KG packet with Nitrogen filling method.
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/298 Dated 18/01/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for printing and packaging of 20 MT Tulaipanji Rice within 1 KG packet with Nitrogen filling method, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18/01/2023 at 05:50 p.m. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 01/02/2023 at 05:50 p.m.
E-Tender Notification for Supply of Tulaipanji Rice(Parboiled).
E-Tender (Notification No: ECSC/RB/2022-23/297 Dated 18/01/2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Tulaipanji Rice (Parboiled), prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 18/01/2023 at 05:00 p.m. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 01/02/2023 at 05:00 p.m.
Requesting for proposal for raising short-term working capital demand loan for arranging fund for pay of minimum support price to farmers for procurement of paddy (Rice) and payment of other incidental charges related to paddy procurement for KMS Season 2022-23
E-Tender (REF Notification No: ECSC/AC/A/2564 Dt.06.01..2023) are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for raisin short-term working capital demand loan for arranging fund for payment of minimum support price to farmers for procurement of Paddy (Rice) for KMS 2022-2023, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 07/01/2023 at 02:00 p.m. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 21/01/2023 at 02:00 p.m.
E-Tender Notice for supply of stationery article at H.Q, WBECSC Ltd.
E-Tender is invited for supply of stationery articles from bonafide Supplir(s)/Co-Operative Societies(s) at H.Q, WBECSC Ltd. for details, please visit www.wbtenders.gov.in.
E-Tender Corrigemdum for supply of Bengal Gram for Festive Special Package in PDS in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023
Please read Schedule-5 of the e-tender no. ECSC/PDS/2022/1512 (Bengal Gram) dated- 21.11.2022 under the heading Instructions for preparation and Submission of Bids: as
“Financial Proposal–Financial Proposal digitally signed using the DSC, as per the format (Excel format) mentioned in the Appendix-7 should be uploaded on the Portal. The Financial Proposal should contain the Bill of Quantities (“BOQ”) and should be inclusive of the cost of all Deliverables.”
Instead of
“Financial Proposal–Scanned copy (in PDF format) of Financial Proposal digitally signed using the DSC, as per the format provided in the Appendix-7 should be uploaded on the Portal. The Financial Proposal should contain the Bill of Quantities (“BOQ”) and should be inclusive of the cost of all Deliverables.”
E-Tender Corrigemdum for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023
Please read Schedule-5 of the e-tender no. ECSC/PDS/2022/1511 (Flour) dated- 21.11.2022 under the heading Instructions for preparation and Submission of Bids: as
“Financial Proposal–Financial Proposal digitally signed using the DSC, as per the format (Excel format) mentioned in the Appendix-7 should be uploaded on the Portal. The Financial Proposal should contain the Bill of Quantities (“BOQ”) and should be inclusive of the cost of all Deliverables.”
Instead of
“Financial Proposal–Scanned copy (in PDF format) of Financial Proposal digitally signed using the DSC, as per the format provided in the Appendix-7 should be uploaded on the Portal. The Financial Proposal should contain the Bill of Quantities (“BOQ”) and should be inclusive of the cost of all Deliverables.”
E-Tender Notification For Engagement of Manpower Agency For Providing 59(Fifty nine) Nos. of Skilled Computer Data Entry Operator in West Bengal Essential Commodities supply Corporation.
Please note the following addition in respect of aforesaid e-tender for Engagement of Manpower Agency vide NIT No. WBECSC-25011/2/2022-GM(WBECSCL)/723 Dt. 17.11.2022.
"The minimum service charge to be quoted by the bidders would be Rs. 230.00 per Data Entry Operator (DEO) or else not bid would be accepted".
E-Tender Notice for supply of Bengal Gram for Festive Special Package in PDS in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Bengal Gram for Festive Special Package in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 22.11.2022 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 12.12.2022 at 12:00 noon.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in Holy Month of Ramzan 2023, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 22.11.2022 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 12.12.2022 at 12:00 noon.
E-Tender Notice For Engagement of Manpower Agency For Providing 59(Fifty nine) Nos. of Skilled Computer Data Entry Operator in West Bengal Essential Commodities supply Corporation.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) from the reputed,bonafide, experienced firms for providing skilled Computer Data Entry Operators in the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Limited. Last date of submission of e-tender form is 09/12/2022 upto 02:00 P.M. E-tender document will available in website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 09/12/2022 at 02:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for Tax Consultant in the West Bengal Essential Commodities supply Corporation.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) from the bonafide, experienced and GST registered establishment for Tax Consultant in the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Limited. Last date of submission of e-tender form is 19/09/2022 upto 03:00 P.M. E-tender document will available in website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 19/09/2022 at 03:00 P.M.
Notice for inviting tender for printing, packaging and supply of 1Kg Aromatic Rice Packets.
Bids in sealed envelope are invited form bona-fide & competent, professional agency having experience and specialization in similar kinds of work for supplying of 20,000 (Twenty thousands) no. of predesigned sealed packets with Logo of Roudra Bristi and WBECSC Ltd filled with Aromatic Rice like Tulaipanji & Gobindabhog.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Refined Rice Bran Oil (RRB Oil) for Festive Special Package in PDS in Puja 2022.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Refined Rice Bran Oil (RRB Oil) for Festive Special Package in PDS Puja 2022, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 20.07.2022 at 05:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 10.08.2022 at 05:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Palmolein OIL for Festive Special Package in PDS in Puja 2022.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Palmolein Oil for Festive Special Package in PDS Puja 2022, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 20.07.2022 at 05:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 10.08.2022 at 05:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of KGM OIL for Festive Special Package in PDS in Puja 2022.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of KGM Oil for Festive Special Package in PDS Puja 2022, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 20.07.2022 at 05:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 10.08.2022 at 05:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS in Puja 2022.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of Flour (Maida) for Festive Special Package in PDS Puja 2022, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 20.07.2022 at 02:00 P.M. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 10.08.2022 at 02:00 P.M.
Re-e-tender Notice for engagement of bonafide agency/firm for 21 nos. of security guard & sweeping services at Block-B and Roudra Bristi, H.Q. of WBECSC Ltd.
Re-e-Tender is invited for engagement of 21 nos. of security and sweeping service from bonafide agency/firm at Block-B and Roudra Bristi, H.Q. of WBECSC Ltd.
Cancellation Notice for e-tender NoECSC/HK/31/200(Pt-II)/448 Dt.11.05.2022 of WBECSC Ltd.
The e-tender for Sweeping Cleaning & Security work at Block-B (H.Q.) and at Roudra Bristi (Fair Price Shop), WBECSC Ltd. vide e-tender Notice No.ECSC/HK/31/200(Pt-II)/447 Dt.11.05.2022 read with E-tender Document No. ECSC/HK/31/200(Pt-II)/448 Dt. 11.05.2022 is cancelled due to administrative reason.
Tender notice for supplying retail billing and stock keeping (Retail Inventory Management)
Software for Roudra Bristi outlet.
Bids in sealed envelopes are invited from bona fide and experienced IT firms/companies having
experience in similar kinds of work for supplying retail billing and stock keeping (Retail Inventory
Management) software for 05 (Five) Roudra Bristi outlets in 05 (Five) different Districts and Head
Quarter. The specifications of the required items are given.
E - tenders are invited by WBECSC LTD, a Government of West Bengal Undertaking, the nodal agency for Transportation of Jute Bags from the concerned Jute Mills via the Office of the Jute Commissioner, on behalf of Food & Supplies Department, Govt. of West Bengal, and supplying the same to the designated godown points across West Bengal, through the Jute Bags Procurement Division of the Corporation.
Prospective bidders may download the E- Tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions from the website www.wbtenders.gov.in, Online Bid submission (both technical & financial) closing date & time 09.06.2022 at 12:00 NOON.
E-tender Notice for engagement of bonafide agency/firm for 21 nos. of security guard & sweeping services at Block-B and Roudra Bristi, H.Q. of WBECSC Ltd.
E-Tenders are invited for engagement of bonafide agency/firm for 21 nos. of security guard & sweeping services at Block-B and Roudra Bristi, H.Q. of WBECSC Ltd.
E-Tender for Tax Consultant in the WBECSC Ltd.
Tender are invited from the bonafide, experienced & GST registered establishment for Tax Consultant in the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd. Last date of Submission of tender from is 06.06.2022 upto 03:00 P.M. for the details check tender document.
Date of Closure: 06.06.2022 at 03:00 P.M.
Cancellation Notice of E-Tender Notice for supply of various commodities in National Parks and Sanctuaries of North Bengal.
E-Tender Notice for supply of various commodities in National Parks and Sanctuaries of North Bengal.
E-tenders are invited by WBECSC Ltd., (a Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) for supply of various commodities in National parks and sanctuaries of North Bengal, prospective bidders may download the e-tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions on and from 07.03.2022 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of closure 28.03.2022 at 12:00 noon.
Re-e-Tender Notice for supply of various commodities in National Parks and Sanctuaries of North Bengal.
Re-E-tenders are invited by WBECSC Ltd., (a Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) for supply of various commodities in National parks and sanctuaries of North Bengal, prospective bidders may download the Re-e-tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions on and from 08.04.2022 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of closure 29.04.2022 at 12:00 noon.
E-Tender for Tax Consultant in the WBECSC Ltd.
Tender are invited from the bonafide, experienced & GST registered establishment for Tax Consultant in the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd. Last date of Submission of tender from is 24.02.2022 upto 03:00 P.M. for the details check tender document.
Date of Closure: 24.02.2022 at 03:00 P.M.
E-Tender Notice for supply of Flour (Maida), KGM Oil (Mustard Oil) & Bengal Gram in PDS Festive Season of Holy Ramzan 2022.
E-Tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd. (A Govt. of West Bengal undertaking) for supply of a) Flour (Maida) b) KGM Oil (Mustard Oil) c) Bengal Gram (Chana) in PDS during the specified Festive Season of Holy Ramzan 2022, prospective bidders may download the E-Tender documents along with details terms and conditions on and from 24.01.2022 at 12:00 noon from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of Closure: 15.02.2022 at 12:00 noon.
a) Tender Document Flour (Maida)
b) Tender Document KGM Oil (Mustard Oil)
c) Tender Document Bengal Gram (Chana)
Cancellation Notice of Tender No.ECSC/GA/85/2017/296 Dt.16.11.2021.
The quotation regarding Undertaking A.M.C (non-comprehensive) for a period of 01 (One) year for the functioning of 12 nos. of Canon Digital Photocopier Machines installed at respective division/chamber at Block-B complex of WBECSC Ltd. at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087 .
Tender inviting sealed quotation for lifting of Bengal of 41.087 MT of WBECSC Ltd.
Sealed quotation comprising of Technical and Financial bids are invited from vendors as per the terms and conditions stipulated by the West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd, Kolkata in its Tender Document and the agreement to be executed with the selected bidder(s). Rate should be quoted for the Bengal Gram of 41.087 MT stored at designated godown points (30.946 MT at Memari FSD Purba Bardhaman & 10.141 MT at GFD Cossipore shade no. 65). Prospective bidder may visit the godowns for stock verification at Memari FSD Purba Bardhaman on 08.01.2022 & 09.01.2022 and at GFD Cossipore shade no. 65 on 15.01.2022 & 16.01.2022 after informing our Head Office at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata 700 087 in advance. The said stock of Bengal Gram to be disposed as per Schedule - 1. Work order will be issued to selected vendor & the rates will remain valid upto 30 days. Bidders shall submit copy as per attached document.
Date of closure of tender: 18.01.2022 at 02:00 P.M.
The Date of opening tender No. ECSC/HK/94/96(Pt-I)/324 Dt.15.12.2021 on 30th December 2021.
The date of opening of the tender will be 30th December' 2021 instead of 29th December' 2021 due to some official exigencies. Time and other clause remain the same.
Tender for Pest Control Work at Block-B (33,641 Sq.ft.) of WBECSC Ltd.
Tender are invited from bonafide, experienced & GST registered establishment for Pest Control work at Block-B in WEST BENGAL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES SUPPLY CORPORATION LTD . Last date of submission of tender quoting the rates in sealed cover is 03:00 P.M. on 29.12.2021.
Date of closure of tender: 29.12.2021 at 03:00 P.M.
Tender Notice for supply of Printing & Stationary articles as per approved sample of WBECSC Ltd.
Seal quotation are invited from the bonafide and experienced suppliers for supply of printing & stationary articles in WEST BENGAL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES SUPPLY CORPORATION LTD . Last date of submission of tender quoting the rates in sealed cover is 02:00 P.M. on 13.12.2021.
Date of closure of tender: 13.12.2021 at 02:00 P.M.
Notice for Inviting Quotations for Undertaking A.M.C for period of 01 (One) year for functioning of 12 Nos of Canon Digital Photocopier Machine.
Rate in sealed cover are invited from authorized suppliers/firms/agencies for Undertaking A.M.C (not Comprehensive) for a period of 01 year for the functioning of 12 Nos. of Canon Digital Photocopier Machine installed at respective division/chambers at Block-"B" complex of WBECSC Ltd. at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087.
Re E-Tender Notice for Supply & installation IP/SIP PBX machine.
Tenders are invited from the bonafide and GST registered experienced suppliers/agencies for supply and installation IP/SIP PBX machine in WEST BENGAL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES SUPPLY CORPORATION LTD as per specification given in the tender document. Last date of submission of tender quoting the rates in sealed cover is 07.10.2021 for details please visit our web site - https://www.wbecscegoverna nce.com/tenders
Date of closure of e-tender: 07.10.2021 at 02:00 P.M.
Re E-Tender Notice for Weighing Machine
Re E-Tender has been invited for purchase of "Weighing Machine" for proposed CPC in different districts. For more details of e-tender please visit the web site www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in
Date of closure of e-tender: 24.09.2021 at 03:00 P.M.
Re E-Tender Notice for Supply of KGM Oil (Mustard Oil) in PDS during Festive Season of Durga Puja, Kali Puja & Chhat Puja.
Re- e-tender are invited by WBECSC Ltd., (a Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking) for supply of KGM Oil (Mustard Oil) In PDS during the specified festive season of Durga Puja, Kali Puja and Chhat Puja, 2021. Prospective bidders may download the e-tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions on and from 14.09.2021 at 12:00 noon. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in.
Date of closure 21.09.2021 at 12:00 noon.
Corrigendum of Pamoline Oil (PDS)
In the E-Tender document for the supply of Palmoline Oil in PDS throughout West Bengal for Puja Festive, 2021, following point has been mentioned as one of the eligibility criteria under clause-2 of Scheduled-1.
“The bidder should have their own distribution network in West Bengal and must have minimum 1 year experience in distribution. They should submit documentary evidence in support of that”.
The above point is hereby exempted and other terms and conditions will remain unchanged.
E-Tender Notice for Weighing Machine
E-Tender has been invited for purchase of "Weighing Machine" for proposed CPC in different districts. For more details of e-tender please visit the web site www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in
Date of closure of e-tender: 09.09.2021 at 03:00 P.M.
Notice of Flour
In the pre-bid meeting held on 16.08.2021 in connection with e-tender for supply of flour in festive package 2021, following question was raised by one supplier.
Question: - It is learnt that some traders are participating in the said e-tender process and question is whether they would be allowed to participate or not and in this specified respect answer is solicited.
Answer: - Participation of trader for supply of flour in the e-tender process does not come under the purview of rule as lad down e-tender documents under Para-I (Point- 12) read with appendix No.04.
Corrigendum Flour
With reference to NIT no. ECSC/PDS/202111233 (Flour) dt.- 29.07.2021 floated for supply of Flour during Durga Puja Festival, 2021
In the front page of the tender document the "closing date and time" and "Submission of the Technical and Financial Bid" should be read as, "on or before 20.08.2021upto 3:00 P.M." instead of "16.08.2021 up to 3:00 P.M."
Notice for Pamoline Oil supply thorough PDS Puja 2021
In PDS during the specified festive season of Durga Puja, Kali Puja and Chhat Puja, 2021. Prospective bidders may download the e-tender documents along with detailed terms and conditions on and from 17.08.2021 at 3.00 p.m. from the website www.wbecscegovernance.com and www.wbtenders.gov.in
MEMO NO. - ECSC/PDS/2021/1772/1239
DATED: 17/08/2021
Tender Notice for the Supply of the Computer Accessories of the M.D.'s Cell
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced, and bonafide firms/organizations for the supply of the computer Accessories of the M.D.',s cel1 of this corporation at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700087 as per the requirements of the attached document.
MEMO NO. - ECSC/IT/2019-20/73/443
DATED: 30/06/2021
Tender Notice for Laptop Charger
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced, and bona fide firms/organizations for the supply of o2 (two) nos. of Laptop Chargers to be fitted with the Laptop of the General Manager (Personnel) and IT Division of this Corporation at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087.
MEMO NO. - ECSC/IT/2018-19/64/442
DATED: 30/06/2021
Tender Notice for Server UPS
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced, and bona fide firms organizations for the supply of 01 (one) no. of UPS of Emerson Liebert GTX MT + CX 2KVA SB 2KVA online UPS with built-in battery (3O mins. Backup for Server load only) to be fitted with the Server of the Finance Division of this Corporation at 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700 087.
MEMO NO. - ECSC/IT/2019-20/73/441
DATED: 30/06/2021
W.B.E.C.S.C. Ltd. invites E-Tender for engagement of security and sweeper at H.Q. floors and Fair Price Shop 'Roudra Bristi'
W.B.E.C.S.C. Ltd. invites E-Tender for engagement of security and sweeper at H.Q. floors and Fair Price Shop ‘Roudra Bristi’ of Block- B, WBECSC Ltd., 11/A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata – 700 087. Last date 25.02.2021 upto3:00pm. For details log in website – www.wbtenders.gov.in, www.wbecscegovernance.com
MEMO NO. - ECSC/GA/88/2016/125
Tender Notice with Documents for invited the bonafide and GST registered experience suppliers/agencies for supply and installation IP/SIP PBX machine in WBECSC Ltd.
Tenders are invited from the bonafide and GST registered experienced suppliers/agencies for supply and installation lP/SlP PBX machine in WEST BENGAL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES SUPPLY CORPORATION LTD. as per specification given in the tender document. Last date of submission of tender quoting the rates in sealed cover is 18/12/2O2O for details please visit our website - https://www. wbecscegovernance.com/tenders
MEMO NO. - ECSC/GA/88/2016/125