Office of the Managing Director: 033-2252-9963/1052
September 20, 2020
Tender Notice for bonafide and experienced suppliers for supply of articles as per approved sample in the WBECSC Ltd.
Memo. no. ECSC/store/97/2016/108
Tenders are invited from the bonafide and experienced suppliers for supply of articles as per approved sample in the WEST BENGAL ESSENTIAL COMMODITIES SUPPLY CORPORATION LTD. Last date of submission of tender quoting the rates in sealed cover is 30/09/2020 for details please visit our website - https://www. wbecscegove rnance.com/tendersion and Procurement Bill Section of this Corporation at 11/A Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700087.
September 03, 2020
Notice for for PDS Puja Festive Package.
Memo. no. ECSC/PDS/2020/1742/1071
E-tender notice for supply of KGM oil & RRB oil during puja Festival, 2020 vide no.
ECSC/PDS/2020/1046 dt.- 27.07.2020 has been canceled.
Fresh E-tenders are invited by WBECSC Ltd., (a Govt. of West Bengal Undertaking)
for the supply of a) KGM Oil & b) RRB Oii.
Download Memo. no. ECSC/PDS/2020/1073(RRB OIL)
Download Memo. no. ECSC/PDS/2020/1073(KGM OIL)
July 26, 2020
Notice for Inviting Quotation.
Memo. no. ECSC/IT/2020-21/92/327
Quotations In sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced and bona fide firms/organizations for the repairing of 07 (Serven) nos. of Computers and/or peripherals of Finance Division and Procurement Bill Section of this Corporation at 11/A Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata-700087.
June 28, 2020
Quotation Notice for bonafide, experienced & GST Registered establishment for printing & stationery articles
Memo. no. ECSC/GA/04/09(pt-I)/36
Quotation are invited from the bonafide, experienced & GST Registered establishment for printing & stationery articles (as per specimen to be provided by Central store, Personnel division.) on an urgent basis to be delivered at WBECSC Ltd.
March 11, 2020
Notice for Inviting Quotation for repairing of 01 (One) computer in Banking wings
Memo. no. ECSC/IT/2019-20/73/301
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced and bona fide firms / organisations for repairing of 01 (one) computer lying with Banking wings of Finance Division, 2nd floor of this corporation at 11-A, Mirza Ghalib stereet, Kolkata- 700087
February 26, 2020
Corrigendum of Notice bearing No.ECSC/Estt./16/2018/866 Dt. 18.02.2020.
Memo. no. ECSC/Estt./38/2012(Vol-III)/890
In the advertisement Notice bearing No. ECSC/Estt/16/ 2018/866 dated 18.02.2020 , the column 'Monthly Remuneration (Consolidated)' against Deputy General Manager(Finance) will be Rs.30,000/- (Rupees.Thirty Thousand) only instead of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand) only.
February 26, 2020
Corrigendum of Notice bearing No.ECSC/Estt./38/2012(Vol-III)/862 Dt.17.02.2020.
Memo. no. ECSC/Estt./38/2012(Vol-III)/889
In the advertisement Notice for walk-in-interview bearing No. ECSC/Estt/38/ 2012(Vol.-III)/862 dated 17.02.2020 under Table 1 in the column 'consolidated amount' against Deputy General Manager(Finance) will read as Rs.30,000/-(Rupees.Thirty Thousand) only instead of Rs.40,000/- (Rupees Forty thousand) only.
February 17, 2020
Engagement of the personnel on Contractual basis with Application format.
Memo. no. ECSC/Estt/16/2018/866
Corporation intends to engage the following personnel, on contractual basis, initially for a term of 01 (one) year which may be extended subject to his/her satisfactory performance and need of the Corporation. Applications are invited from eligible candidates. Applicant must fulfill the eligible criteria mentioned against the said posts.
February 17, 2020
Notice for inviting quotation for repairing of 01 (one) LAN connection.
Memo. no. ECSC/IT/2018/61 /292
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced and bona fide firms / organisations for repairing of 01 (one) LAN connection with the computer lying with Finance Division, Procurement accounts Cell (Computer Section), 2nd floor of this Corporation at 11-A, Mirza Ghalib Stereet, Kolkata- 700087
February 16, 2020
Copy Of -Notice for Walk in interview for retired employees. (with Annexure-I)
Memo. no. ECSC/Estt/38/2012(Vol - III)/862
Applications in plain paper in the format prescribed in Annexure I are invited from retired employees from Government Departments and Undertakings for the 20 (twenty) posts on contractual basis for a period of 01 (One) Year which may be extended (not beyond 65 years of age) depending on the need of the Corporation and subject to satisfactory performance of the employee concerned. Retired employees are entitled to apply for the equivalent post, he/she held on the date of his/her retirement.
December 25, 2019
Notice for inviting Quotation of 01 (One) number of LAN connection of this Corporation.
Memo. no. ECSC/IT/2019-20/073(Part - II) /269
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced and bona fide firms / organisations for laying cables for 01 (one) LAN connection with the computer lying with Finance Division General Purchase wing, 2nd floor and repair of 01 (one) computer lying with The Finance Division Banking wing, 2nd floor of this Corporation at 11-A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata- 700087.
December 11, 2019
Notice for inviting Quotation of 04 (four) numbers of LAN connection of this Corporation
Memo. no. ECSC/IT/2019-20/073(Part - I) /264
Quotations in sealed covers are invited from reputed, experienced and bona fide firms /
organisations for laying cables for LAN connections with 04 (four) numbers of computers of this Corporation lying with 1) The Personnel Division, Ground Floor, 2) The Finance Division
Banking wing, 2nd floor, 3) The Internal Audit Cell, 4) the Dy. General Manager (Finance), Smt. Paayel Dutta, 2nd floor at 11-A, Mirza Ghalib Stereet, Kolkata - 700087
October 16, 2019
Tender Cancellation Notice Supply of Sugar for distribution through PDS in West Bengal.
Memo. no. ECSC/SUGAR/1043/2018/136
It is hereby notified that the tender for supply of S-30 Sugar for AAY quota for
seven (07) months, plus one time Puja Festive ('Durga Puja' , 'Kali Puja' , 'Diwali' , 'Chhat
'Puja) Package, 2019 bearing Reference No. as mentioned above has been cancelled.
October 15, 2019
Quotation Notice for plumbing, electrical and fabricating Work at H.Q of WBECSC Ltd. for installation of water cooling cum purifier machine.
Memo. no. ECSC/H.K./61/2018/13
Rates in sealed cover are invited from authorised suppliers/firms/agencies/Co-operative societies for plumbing, electrical and fabricating work at H.Q. of WBECSC Ltd- for installation of water cooling cum purifier machine. Work description are given....
August 27, 2019
Corrigendum of NIT no.ECSC/PDS/2019/949 (KGM oil, RRB oil & Flour) Dt.09.08.19 during supply of Durga Puja Festival 2019.
with reference to NIT no. ECSC/PDS/2019/949 (KGM oil, RRB Oil & Flour) dt.-
09.08.2019 during supply of Durga Puja Festival2019, the amount of Security Deposit
has been revised and it is fixed as Rs. 20,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Lac) for KGM Oil &
RRB Oil and Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lac) for Flour. All other Terms & Conditions
of aforesaid tender remain same.
August 27, 2019
Notification of Appellate Authority of Right to Information of WBECSC Ltd.
In exercise of the power conferred by the sub-section (1) of Section 5 of the Right
to Information Act, 2005 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act.) following
officers are hereby notified as the Appellate Authority, State Public Information
Officer and State Assistant Public Information Officer of West Bengal Essential
Commodities Supply Corporation Ltd., (A Government of West Bengal
Undertaking) for the purposes of the said Act, with immediate effect and until
further order:
July 30, 2019
Aquaguard Cooler Cum Purifier {AGCCP}, Storage capacity 1-5 Ltr.,Cooling capacity 4Altr/Hr, Eureka Forbes Ltd.
Rates in sealed cover are invited from authorized suppliers/firms/agencies for suppty of Aquaguard Cooler
Cum water purifier machines approximately 03 nos. to this Corporation. Specification of Aquaguard Cooler
Cum water purifier machines are given.
June 19, 2019
Tender Cancellation Notice for supply of Sugar for distribution through PDS in West Bengal.
Sub: Supply of Sugar for distribution through PDS in West Bengal Tender Reference No: ECSC/Sugar/1050/2019/78 dated 30/05/2019
It is hereby notified that the tender for supply of S-30 Sugar for AAY quota for eight (08) months and one-time puja Festive (Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Diwali, Chhat Puja) Package, 2019 bearing Reference No. as mentioned above has been cancelled.
May 29, 2019
Ref. No. ECSC/HK/106(Pt-III)/13/605 Date: 30.05.2019
W.B.E.C.S.C. Ltd. invites fresh Re-E–Tender for engagement of agency for the work of sweeping, cleaning and security service at Khadya Bhavan at 11A, Mirza Ghalib Street, Kolkata – 700 087.
Log in website – www.wbtenders.gov.in, www.wbecscegovernance.com
Closing Date 21.06.2019 up to 3:00pm.
EMD of Rs. 5, 00,000/- (Rupees Five lakhs only).
May 14, 2019
Tender Cancellation Notice for engagement of Data Entry Operator
It is notified for information to all concerned that e-tender, floated vide Tender Reference Number
ECEC/AC/1141/2013/133 dated 04.02.2019 for engagement of Data Entry Operators (DEOs) for this Corporation, is cancelled due to non-availability of the minimum number of technically qualified bidders.
April 29, 2019
Notice regarding cancellation of Financial bid of sugar e-tender
Tender Ref No.- ECSC/Sugar/1043/2018/483 Dt.-27.02.2019
It is hereby notified that the tender for supply of S-30 sugar for AAY quota for 07(seven)
months and one time Ramzan,2019 package and Puja Festive (Durga Puja, Kali Puja, Diwali,
Chhat Puja)package, 2019 bearing reference no as mentioned in the above subject has been
April 02, 2019
Notice regarding postponement of Financial bid of sugar e-tender
It is hereby informed that the Financial Bid of the e-tender of sugar vide Tender No.ECSC/Sugar/l 043120181483 Dt.-27.02.2019 which was supposed to be opened on 28.03.2019 at the Headquarters of WBECSC Ltd. has been postponed due to some unavoidable circumstances.
The fresh date of opening the said financial bid would be intimated shortly.
March 05, 2019
Corrigendum date and time for the NIT No.ECSC/PDS/2019/858 (KGM Oil/Flour/Bengal Gram) Date-13.02.2019
With reference to NIT no ECSC/PDS 120191858(KGM Oil/Flour/Bengal Gram) dt.-
13.02.2019 floated for the supply of KGM Oil, Flour & Bengal Gram during the month of Ramzan
2019, the closing date of bid submission has been extended.
February 14, 2019
Notice of Revised Interview Date for the post of AG-II
Documents regarding revised interview date for the post of AG II to wbecscegovernance.com, please find the attachments regarding the same.
February 12, 2019
Notice of Postponement of Interview on 14/02/1019
Owing to unavoidable circumstances the interview for the post of Assistant Grade - II which was
scheduled to be held on 14.02.2019 is hereby postponed. The rescheduled date for the above-said
interview will be intimated in due course of time through SMS and the same can be seen in the
Corporation's website.
August 13, 2018
Recruitment Notice for Procurement publicity helper
Applications are invited from eligible candidates on contractual basis
Notice No : ECSC/Estt/54/2017/168 Dated 13/08/2018
July 18, 2018
Registration of Co-operative Society / SHG / Rice Mill for procurement of Paddy for the KMS 2018-19
Registration and Application for empanelment of Co-operative Society / SHG / Rice Mill for procurement of Paddy for the KMS 2018-19
Notice : ECSC/Proc/2018/2724 dated 19/07/2018
Download Notice
Download Application Form
June 10, 2018
Recruitment Notice for various posts
Applications are invited from eligible candidates on contractual basis
Notice No : ECSC/Estt/16/2018/80 Dated 11/06/2018
March 21, 2018
Order for Schedule Payment Dates..
For smooth workflow, various staff related payments required to be expedite. Accordingly a achedule of payment dates and dates of submission of related documents and files to the Finance & Accounts division has been fixed and furnished in the following Notice.
Partial Modification - Download
March 21, 2018
Guidelines for Payment of Contingent Expenditure by Dist Offices
Management of WBECSC has decided to set up permanent Dist Offices in all districts of the state, it has been decided that the contingent expenditure of the said District offices will be made from the degisnated bank of the respective district office. The following Guidelines provided in the notice are to be strictly followed.
February 22, 2018
Tender Cancellation Notice
It is hereby notified that the tender for supply of sugar (S-30) for six months for AAY quota and one time Ramzan package to be distributed through PDS has been Cancelled
January 18, 2018
Retired Employee Walk in Interviews
Applications are invited from retired employees from Government Departments and Undertakings for 42 posts on contractual basis for a period of six months, which may be extended depending on the need of the Corporation
Notice No : ECSC/Estt/38/2012(Vol-III)/ 1604 Dated 19/01/2018
Notice No : ECSC/Estt/38/2012(Vol-III)/ 1605 Dated 19/01/2018
November 23, 2017
Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the Post of Software Support Personnel and System Administrator on Contractual basis
Corporation intends to engage the following personnel purely on temporary and contractual basrs, initially for a term of 06 (six) months which may be extended for further 06 (six) months and onwards subject to his / her satisfactory performance and need of the Corporation. Applications are invited from eligible candidates. Applicant must fulfil the eligible criteria mentioned against the said posts.